
When working with Spring Boot applications in IntelliJ IDEA, you might have encountered an issue where port 8080 (or another port) remains occupied even after stopping the application that you are working on. This is often caused by Gradle's daemon threads, which continue running in the background and do not release the port properly. I have encountered this issue several times and it's annoying to begin with.

A person trying to solve a programming problem

Source: Dall-E

The Problem

Spring Boot applications typically run on port 8080 by default unless otherwise you have a different port configured in your app configs yaml/properties file.


When you stop your application in IntelliJ IDEA, you may expect the port to be freed. However, in some cases, the Gradle daemon continues running background processes, keeping the port occupied. This is a problem that you do not want to face if you have a 9:00AM demo and you believe you stopped the application before leaving your desk last evening.

If you try to restart the application, you might see an error like

Application failed to start: Port 8080 is already in use

At this point, your only option is to close the port manually so you can reuse it and free-up the memory it is taking while keeping your application running in the background.

Manually Closing Port 8080 on Windows 11

Open the command prompt or powershell, and use following command

netstat -ano | findstr :8080

this should give you something closely matching to following response.


That 450121 is the process id in windows that is keeping your port 8080 busy. You can terminate the windows process with following taskkill command

taskkill /PID 450121 /F

Verify the process was killed by searching for the PID again

netstat -ano | findstr :8080

Manually Closing Port 8080 on Linux/iOS(Macbook)

In the shell, find the process using the port 8080 using following command

lsof -i :8080
netstat -nlp | grep :8080

You should be able to see something similar to following in response

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 450121/java

Kill the process

kill -9 450121

and verify its closed successfully by using previous commands.

Configuring Gradle to Prevent Port Locking

To prevent Gradle from keeping daemon threads running after stopping the application, modify the settings:

1. Disable Gradle Daemon in

usually found in ~/.gradle/ or in the project’s gradle/ folder, open the file named and find following configuration, if you can not find the configuration, you can add it at the bottom of the file.


2. Stop Gradle Daemon Manually

Theoretically using "gradlew --stop" can kill all daemons, but i did not have much success with it:

./gradlew --stop

3. Run Gradle in Non-Daemon Mode

Instead of disabling the daemon, you can start your application in non-daemon mode using:

./gradlew bootRun --no-daemon