What does your soul look like?

Fashioned by God, the ultimate purpose of Soul in our lives is to unite with the absolute truth, seek it’s creator, seek piety and purification, to cleanse the heart and to transform itself to find God, and then there is Self, the lowest part of us clouded by greed, lust, self-love, and ego, which contributes the major part of us, humans.

Lowest of the Selfs cast us away from the soul, and the truth and the highest and noblest of the selfs brings us closer to the soul, and the ultimate truth. A soul is part of us that neither we can touch, nor should we allow our egos to touch.

Souls live when we live, and they don't die with us, they keep living after us, if not in us, then in hearts and memories of people we were selfless with.

What is a soul? What is the purpose of a soul? Does it define what we are? Is it just what we are and what we do?
The purpose of the soul does not seem to have been defined by anyone or anywhere, nor every soul’s purpose is same, the pursuit starts from the very first question we ask from ourselves, “What’s the purpose of our life?”.

Bulleh Shah tells us in his poetry to visit soul more often as we visit our mosques, churches, and synagogues or as often as we pray, for he believes, God dwells in our hearts and souls.

Source: Louis Janmot - Le Vol de l’âme

According to Sufi Hazrat Shah Inayat Khan, Each soul has its own purpose, but in the end, all purposes resolve into one purpose, and it is that purpose which is sought by the mystic. No matter, what you sought, the right or the wrong, at one point in life, you will come to know a purpose, but the real difference is whether the purpose came walking unto you, or you went seeking for it.

The pursuit of truth, the realization, the peek deep inside for answers, it all comes with self-realization and pursuit of the soul.

Hazrat Shah Inayat further quotes 5 desires that can help us in the accomplishment of self-realization, and it is the fulfilment of these 5 desires that makes a soul’s purpose accomplished.

  1. The desire for love, to love and be loved, which brings one closer to his/her real life.

  2. The desire for knowledge, to know and be known, which brings knowledge of the purpose of self-being, the creation, the creator, the reality.

  3. The desire for power, which attaches you to the Power of Almighty.

  4. The desire for peace, when one finds the peace in crowds and loneliness alike, and when one becomes capable of breaking all barriers between himself and peace.

  5. The desire for happiness, when one finds that the happiness, apart from everything lies within one’s own heart.

Every soul has a definite task, and the fulfilment of each individual purpose can alone lead man aright; illumination comes to him through the medium of his own talent.
Bowl of Saki, July 7, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

This post is a recreation my own old blog post on wordpress,
What does your soul look like? in an effort to migrate from wordpress to this interesting platform.